Today I went to this station in El Melocoton at Cajon del Maipo, to visit the Phoenix Project which aims to salvage what remains of the military train which traveled this area.
La primera parte de este proyecto ha consistido en rescatar el máximo de material que aún queda del ferrocarril e instalarlo en la estación de El Melocotón. Ya han logrado rescatar tres locomotoras diesel marca Jung y restaurar una de ellas, la J 4 en esta imagen. The first part of this project is to rescue the maximum of the remaining rolling stock and locos of this railway, the station and keep a museum at this place. They have already rescued three diesel Jung locomotives brand and restored one of them, the J 4 in this picture.
Otra máquina que han rescatado es esta locomotora marca Jung 0-6-2T y es que es mi punto de interes ya que quiero hacer un modelo de vapor vivo de esta máquina. Esta máquina es conocida como "La Panchita".
Another machine that has been rescued is this Jung 0-6-2T locomotive. This is my point of interest here because I intend to do a live steam model of this machine. This machine is known as "The Panchita.
Vista general del proyecto donde se ve el galpón, también rescatado, donde estan las 3 máquinas diesel y la locomotora a vapor.
A general view of the project, this warehouse was also saved, where the 3 diesel machines and the steam locomotive are parked.
Uno de los cuatro carros que constituyen parte del material rodante rescatado. Este era un coche comedor.
One of the four coaches that are part of the rescued rolling stock. This was a dining car.
One of the responsible for this project: Don Luis Leon, now, in charge of this heritage and a former officer of the train when it was operational. The link to learn more about this project is: Project Phoenix.
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