Following the suggestion of my friend Ginger in England I decided to track what remains of the military railroad here in Cajón del Maipo. This is Saint Alfonso station. From the photographic point of view although the sun lit up from behind the photo exposure is good and with sufficient contrast.
El estado es lamentable pero existe el proyecto de recuperar la estación por parte de la misma gente que está recuperando el material rodante en el Proyecto Ave Fenix.
The state is regrettable but there is a project to restore the station by the same people who are recovering the rolling stock in the Phoenix Bird Project.
A pesar del deterioro se alcanza a apreciar que el edificio era precioso en su tiempo. Siempre que veo estas construcciones de otras epocas trato de imaginarlas el día de su inauguración, con la gente alrededor con sus mejores ropas, las autoridades dando grandes discursos. el cura bendiciendo y las bandas tocando su música. Y en un paso más adelante me puedo ver a mi mismo tomando una foto con una gran cámara de madera.
Despite the deterioration one can still see that the building was beautiful in its time. Whenever I see these buildings from other eras I try to imagine the day of its inauguration, with the people around with their best clothes, authorities giving great speeches, the priest blessing the installations and the bands playing their music and in a step forward I see me with a wooden box camera taking a picture.
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