domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

Una mañana decepcionante/ Disappointing morning

Hoy fuí a tomar fotos al parque bicentenario de Vitacura y tuve la desagradable sorpresa de que se me acercó un guardia a preguntar si tenía algún permiso para tomar fotos, obviamente nunca se me ocurrió que necesitaría un permiso para tomar fotos en un parque público, así que me dijo que no podía seguir tomando fotos.
Today I went to take pictures to the Bicentennial Park in Vitacura and had the unpleasant surprise that a guard approached me to ask if he had any permission to take pictures, obviously it never occurred to me I would need a permit to take photos in a public park and he said I could not continue taking photos.

Entonces la opción que tengo es no publicar las fotos ya que parece ser un parque con alguna clase de misterosos secretos. O publicarlas dejando en claro que no es un parque tan público.
So the option I have is to not publishing the photos because it seems to be a park with some sort of secret mystery. Or publish them making it clear that it is not so public park.

En todo caso para mi queda claro que no recomiendo visitar este parque hasta que cambien el concepto de lo público que parecen manejar.
This was very dissapointed but in any event, it is clear that I do not recommend to visit this park until they change the concept of a public place which they seem to understand.

Para sacar el mal gusto de la boca fuí a tomar fotos a otro parque, igual es decepcionante ver en como en estos parques muy poca gente pasea y solo pasan en autos rumbo a los centros comerciales.
To get rid of this bad taste in my mouth I went to shoot to another park, it's still disappointing to see how in these parks there are very few people walking and just go in cars heading to the mall.

Incluso esta mañana de Domingo los juegos infantiles están vacios. Lo que suponía una agradable mañana no lo fué tanto.
Even this Sunday morning children's playgrounds are empty. Which wassuposed to be a pleasant morning it was not so much.

Too bad, I am a damn good photographer, now they lost their chance, isn't it my friend Ginger ;)

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