This week opened this tower, which is currently the tallest building in Santiago. With 52 floors rising up to 190 meters.
No es tan alto para los estándares mundiales pero bastante adecuado para un país con el registro de terremotos como el nuestro. De hecho no sufrío ningun daño.
It is not so high by world standards but quite adequate for a country with an earthquakes registering as ours. In fact was not damaged.
On the glass facades the surrounding buildings are reflected.
Las fotos están tomadas con el lente de 9mm, equivalente a 18mm en el formato 35mm.
The pictures are taken with the 9mm lens, equivalent to 18mm in 35mm format.
Es interesante ver como esta vista a traves de los árboles parece graficar de mejor manera la real altura del edificio.
It is interesting to see how this view through the trees seems a better way to graph the actual height of the building.
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