Now, a bit more quiet, I will complete the images of my trip to other area affected by the earthquake and tsunami.
Un niño juega en la playa entre los desechos arrastrados por el mar, los calzoncillos marcados con la arena negra de la zona.
A child playing on the beach amid the rubble washed away by the sea, his underwear stained with the black sand in this area.
Este vendedor callejero ofrece sus dulces, su casa en Pichulemu no fué afectada por el terremoto o el tsunami.
This street seller offers his treats, his house in Pichilemu was not affected by the earthquake or tsunami.
A salt worker on the side of the road, at Cahuil, offers the rest of his goods, although his house was not affected the salt evaporation ponds, at his back, were flood by the sea. Harvesting season would have lasted until May but now they must wait until next year began work.
Adelmo Jimenez, un maestro de la zona hace las veces de panteonero honorario del cementerio de Alcones y repara algunas lápidas dañadas. Su casa sufrío daños y la repara junto sus hijos mayores, maestros como el.
Adelmo Jimenez, a handyman in the area serves as a gravedigger in the cemetery of Alcones today he was repairing some damaged tombstones. His house was damaged by the earthquake, he is repairing it with the help of his older sons, handymen like him.
Luis Pino, en Pichidegüa, junto a la casa de sus padres que debe ser demolida. Sobre el muro dice: Se fué la casa pero seguimos en pie. A pesar de todo está agradecido de Dios por que su padre inválido solo sufrió heridas menores.
In Pichidegüa, Luis Pino next to his parent's house to be demolished. On the wall reads: The house is gone but we are still standing. Despite all this he is grateful to God that her invalid father suffered only minor injuries.
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