The last day of this trip and the return is for a rural area where there are buildings that are damaged and others don't.
La iglesia del pueblo de Alcones tiene trizaduras en la fachada y daño en las tejas pero me dijeron que no grandes daño en el interior.
The village church of Alcones has cracks in the facade and damage to the tiles but I was told no major damage to the inside.
En el cementerio de Alcones una niña de 9 años de nombre Isabel, única victima de la zona, sepultada en tierra, junto a su abuelo como fué su deseo.
In the cemetery of Alcones a 9 yearsold girl named Isabel, the only victim in the area, buried in earth, next to his grandfather as was his wish.
La iglesia de Marchigüe no tiene daños pero no es una construcción antigua original. En estos momentos se celebraba la misa de Pascua.
This church in Marchigüe has no damage but is not an original old building. At this time they celebrated Easter Mass.
This church in Marchigüe has no damage but is not an original old building. At this time they celebrated Easter Mass.
Casa en Pichidegüa, han retirado las puertas y ventanas para reciclar, con la bandera Chilena flameando al tope, pero en su fachada tiene pintada la terrible palabra: Demoler.
House in Pichidegua, they have removed the doors and windows to recycle, with the Chilean flag flying at the top, but its facade has painted the terrible word: Demolish.
House in Pichidegua, they have removed the doors and windows to recycle, with the Chilean flag flying at the top, but its facade has painted the terrible word: Demolish.
Otro viejo conjunto de casas en Pichidegua con el tradicional corredor techado, las vigas y tablas del techo se han retirado para reutilizar y la marca: Demoler.
Another old group of houses in Pichidegüa with the traditional roofed corridor, beams and roof boards have been removed for reuse and the sign: Demolish.
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