On the roads where I am traveling into this area the buildings are mostly wood and light so I have not seen too much damage to houses.
Distinto es el caso de esta iglesia en Litueche, gran parte de la nave central cayó cortada como con cuchillo. Ya retiraron todos los ornamentos y solo quedan los escombros y esperar para conseguir algo de dinero para comenzar a reparar.
Unlike the case of this church in Litueche, much of the vault fell cut like with a knife. Since all the ornaments removed, leaving only rubble and waiting to get some money to begin rebuilding.
The facade has no major damage but the bell tower has some cracks.
Esta pequeña capilla de Nuestra Señora del Carmen en un pequeño pueblo llamado Rapel de Navidad corrió mejor suerte ya que sus muros son de estructura de madera y solo rellenos de barro.
This small chapel of Our Lady of Mount Caramel in a small town called Christmas Rapel de Navidad is in a better shape because their walls are wood frame and only filled with mud.
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