Today I went to take photos at the zoo and the San Cristobal Hill and the it resulted in 220 photos of which kept the incredible amount of 170. Usually I eliminate most of them but today I could not do it and I am surprised that so many have been worth preserving. Now I'm uploading only a few.
Los elefantes en un contraplano para dar más profundidad a la foto.
Elephants in contrast to give more depth to the picture.
Elephants in contrast to give more depth to the picture.
Al usar un teleobjetivo con poca profundidad de campo se logra hacer invisibles las rejas como en el caso de esta leona.
Using a telephoto lens with small depth of field makes invisible the fences such as with this lion.
El oso polar que siendo blanco publico una foto en colores ya que el contraste con la pared azul lo hace interesante.
I'm publishing a color picture of the artic polar bear because the contrast with the blue wall makes it interesting.
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