The house of a sick person or prostrate elderly waits the priest with palm branches and decorated with white and yellow flowers or paper ornaments.
El carruaje y la procesión se detiene ante la casa señalada con los adornos y el cura entra a la casa.
The carriage and the procession stops at the house marked with the decorations and the priest enters the house.
Los jinetes esperan que el cura entregue la comunión al enfermo.
The riders waits to the priest gives communion to the sick person.
The riders waits to the priest gives communion to the sick person.
Once the priest gives the communion he retires surrounded by his faithful companions.
Y entonces la carrera continúa. Los jinetes llaman a participar en esta fiesta correr el Cuasimodo.
And then the race continues. Riders call to participate in this event to run Quasimodo.
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