Las pequeñas piezas comienzan a juntarse en la caja del mecanismo.
Small pieces start coming together in the mechanism box.
Small pieces start coming together in the mechanism box.
Hasta ahora son 4 poleas, 2 correas, 5 ejes, unos 15 bujes de bronce, 1 leva. Ya tengo bastante movimiento para lograr varios efectos.
There are 4 pulleys, 2 belts, 5 axles, almost15 brass bushings, 1 cam, 1 bevel gear so far. I have enough movement to achieve various effects.
2 comentarios:
Wonderful mechanical parts: I realise that I have many missing skills. Now it will be exciting to see what you will move with it.
There is no need to make all the pieces, I make them because I have no place to get them easily, but many, such as the collars, can be purchased already made.
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