With all the study I've been doing I have not finished any piece this year. But now we are building a Raku kiln and probably will it will be redy for fire next week.
Las piezas de Raku son quemadas con gas a 1100 C. y cuando han alcanzado esa temperatura se sacan del horno y se meten en aserrín o se sumergen en agua, por eso la pasta tiene mucha chamota para soportar el shock térmico y no quebrarse.
Raku pieces are fired with gas at 1100 C. and when they have reached this temperature they are removed from the kiln and put in sawdust or immersed in water, so the clay has a lot of grog to withstand the thermal shock and prevent cracking.
Estas cuatro piezas han sido preparadas de esa forma para ser esmaltadas y quemadas en el horno de Raku.
These four vases have been prepared in this way to be glazed and fired in the Raku kiln.
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