But all these celebrations is mainly about one thing: people, ordinary people but with great faith. Simple people giving an offering through their dance, music, or just present in body and soul.
Un pequeño niño con un tambor de juguete acompaña a su madre miembro de la cofradía.
A small child with a toy drum accompanies her mother a member of the brotherhood.
En el primer baile los devotos se dirigen a saludar a la Virgen.
In the first dance devotees go to greet the Lady.
Este otro niño ya es un danzante como tal y participa con una máscara de diablo.
This child is such a dancer and as such participates with a devil mask.
La devoción no solo se manifiesta con bailes, basta con la silenciosa presencia y adoración.
The devotion is manifested not only with dances, it just need the silent presence and adoration.
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