This is a basic system for cutting worm gears with a tapping tool.
El macho para cortar hilos se monta en el mandril del torno mientras un disco de bronce se monta en el portaherramientas. Al girar el macho va cortando la huella en el disco a la vez que lo impulsa. Lentamente se hace avanzar al disco de bronce en contra de la herramienta.
The tap is mounted on the lathe chuck and a brass blank is mounted on the tool post. As the tap spins it cuts the thread spining the blank at the same time. Slowly the cross slide is feeded against the tap.
No hice ningún cálculo matemático especial en relación al diámetro del disco de bronce con respecto al paso del hilo.
I did not special calculation in relation to the diameter of the brass blank respect to the thread pitch.
I made two tests gears, one is 18mm dia and the other 28mm dia. The tap is 6mm pitch 1. The driving worm is a common 6 mm bolt mounted on the motor shaft.
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