Earthquakes not only affect buildings, obviously also affect people.
La gente del campo acostumbrada a los efectos de los terremotos comienzan las reparaciones, una canal de madera sirve para deslizar las tejas de barro hasta el suelo para apilarlas.
Countrymen used to the effects of earthquakes repairs begin, a wooden channel serves to slide the roof tiles to the floor for stacking.

On the roof of the Municipality of Coinco the broken tiles are now be sweeping off, at the background the waning moon which the day of the earthquake was a full moon.

The same work is performed on all villages, quite incredibly rescued tiles are put back until the next earthquake bring them again back to the floor.

Life has to move on, peasants now uses bikes that replaced the horse.

Religious images have been removed from the temples while debris are removed. Perhaps these images must have suffered many more earthquakes than those I have been on.
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