On Friday I went to visit some small peasant villages near Rancagua to see the earthquake damages.
Estas típicas casa de adobes tienen tejas de barro como solo están apoyadas se deslizaron por los techos cayendo prácticamente todas. Esta casa cerca de Pencahue también sufrió el desplome de un muro lateral.
All these typical adobe house have mud roof tiles, which are unsupported, they slipped from virtually all roofs falling. This house near Pencahue also suffered the collapse of a side wall.
Also the Coinco Municipal building lost most of its roof tiles but the exterior looked good.
Estas casas de adobe, también en Coinco, se caracterizan por una fachada continua con una galería que las va uniendo. El espacio ahora vacío era ocupado por otra casa con galería que se desplomó.
These adobe houses at Coinco are characterized by a continuous facade with a gallery along them. The empty space was occupied by another galleried house which collapsed.
Esta casa en el pueblo de Zúñiga ha estado abandonada por mucho tiempo y ahora el terremoto se encargó de derribar lo poco que quedaba. Esta casa la fotografié hace unos 20 años para un libro de arquitectura.
This house in the village of Zuniga has been abandoned for a long time and now the earthquake was responsible for breaking down what was left. I photographed this house 20 years ago for a book about architecture.
This house in the village of Zuniga has been abandoned for a long time and now the earthquake was responsible for breaking down what was left. I photographed this house 20 years ago for a book about architecture.
Aunque muchas de estas casas de adobe se ven bien por el exterior, es en el interior donde se aprecian los daños, generalmente en la unión de los muros.
Although many of these mud houses look nice from the outside, inside is where we will see the damage, usually at the junction of the walls.
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