I have had not too much time to work on my automata so it has not been much progress. At least this small guy is already sat behind the steering wheel with his binoculars.
Voy a tener que modificar el parabrisas para dar espacio al brazo para subir y bajar.
I'll have to change the windshield to make room for the arm moves up and down.
I'll have to change the windshield to make room for the arm moves up and down.
Al costado del camión estoy agregando este vórtice que gira y que no se aún que sentido tendrá. Hoy estuvo nublado así que tomé estas fotos solo con las luces del taller.
At the side of the truck I'm adding this vortex that spins and I don't know what sense it will have yet. Today was cloudy so I took these photos only with the workshop lights.
At the side of the truck I'm adding this vortex that spins and I don't know what sense it will have yet. Today was cloudy so I took these photos only with the workshop lights.
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