Today after many years I went to my school and for the first time I took a camera with me.
Este es el gimnasio,uno de los tantos patios y la oficina del director.
This is the gym, one of the many play yards and the principal's office.
Por este pasillo ingresé a mi primera clase ya que llegué a quinta preparatoria. A la derecha está la dirección de preparatoria y pasé por esa oficina el primer día.
I went to my first class through this corridor because my parents changed me to this school in fifth grade.On the right is the principal's office for basic school and went I into that office that first day.
This is one of the classrooms, I still remember these windows, there have only changed the lamps, desks and chairs.
Cada rincón es un recuerdo distinto, recuerdos de niño a los ocho años, recuerdos de adolescente a los 14, 15, recuerdos agradables, recuerdos tristes, rostros que se aparecen en la mente, recuerdos de mis papás llevandome al colegio, recuerdo de profesores, recuerdos del barrio y de alguna manera todo eso siempre está dentro de mi y es parte de mi manera de ser.
Each place is a different memory, memories of a child at eight years, memories of a teenager at 14, 15, pleasant memories, sad memories, faces that appear in the mind, memories of my parents taking me to school, memories of teachers, memories of the neighborhood and somehow all this is always within me and it is part of the way I am.
Each place is a different memory, memories of a child at eight years, memories of a teenager at 14, 15, pleasant memories, sad memories, faces that appear in the mind, memories of my parents taking me to school, memories of teachers, memories of the neighborhood and somehow all this is always within me and it is part of the way I am.
Este es el parque y la casa principal donde están las oficinas y por supuesto que este parque también tiene muchos recuerdos y quizás los mejores incluyendo el día de mi graduación.
This is the park and the main house where the offices and of course this park also has many memories and perhaps the best including the day of my graduation.
This is the park and the main house where the offices and of course this park also has many memories and perhaps the best including the day of my graduation.
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