Today someone sent me an article written by the Uruguayan Eduardo Galeano that talks about this new world where everything is disposable, from the highest tech gadget to the simplest package, and how he still lives in the ancient world where everything were kept, reused or sent for repair.
Y hoy justo estaba haciendo un cajón para recolectar los vegetales y hojas para preparar humus de lombríz reciclando madera. No solo reciclé la madera también usé los mismos clavos que fuí retirando de las tablas a la usanza de los carpinteros antiguos. Yo también me eduqué en el mundo donde las cosas se conservaban, se apreciaban y se cuidaban. Y como Galeano creo que esta costumbre no es solo referente a lo material sino que incluye todo un sentido de vida mucho más amplio. Es curioso como nuevamente se me produjo la coincidencia del mismo tema por dos lados distintos.
Today I was just making a bin to collect vegetables from the kitchen to prepare vermicompost using recycled timber. I not only recycled the wood, I also use the same nails that I was withdrawing from the tables in the style of the old carpenters. I also was educated in the world where things were preserved, appreciated and cared. As Galeano thinks this matter is not only referred to material things but includes a whole meaning of life. It's funny how I came again to the coincidence of the same subject from two diferent places.
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