Hoy fuí a retirar las últimas piezas del año, nada espectacular, algunas cosas para regalar y descansar de la cerámica por unas semanas.
Today I went to get the last pieces of the year, nothing spectacular, some things to give and now I'm going to rest from pottery for a few weeks.
Today I went to get the last pieces of the year, nothing spectacular, some things to give and now I'm going to rest from pottery for a few weeks.
Small bowls in white and pale green, 18 cm wide, 4 cm tall.
Fuentes pequeñas en celeste con borde negro, 18 cm. de diámetro, 4 cm. de alto.
Small bowls in light blue with black border, 18 cm wide, 4 cm. tall.
Coffee mugs, white interior, green exterior.
Vase 17 cm tall 16 cm wide.
Estos son dos de los floreros que llevé a la quema primitiva y que ahora les puse esmalte. Uno de ellos se trizó dando un efecto de raku.These are two of the vases which led to the pit fire and now I glazed them. One of them cracked giving an effect of raku.
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