What seemed impossible, re-lay a section of tracks at Cajon del Maipo was finally achieved. Thanks to the people of Phoenix Project and the first impulse of Luis Leon the first part of the project is almost completed.
Usando antiguas herramientas uno a uno se van poniendo los tornillos para afirmar las vias.
Using old tools they are putting the screws one by one to secure the tracks.
At the front of the station the tracks are being laid, the main one and two secondary toward the station and engine shed.
La locomotora diesel Jung con el primer carro restaurado esperan sobre las nuevas vías recién tendidas.
The Jung diesel locomotive restored with the first car waiting on the new tracks recently laid.
Ahora falta verter el balasto para cubrir los durmientes y dejar completo el trabajo de tendido. Los viejos rieles provenientes de la estación de Balmaceda en el norte de Chile vuelven a servir.
Just the ballast is needed to cover the sleepers and the work is ready. The old rails from Balmaceda station in northern Chile ready to serve again.
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