Yesterday I started this new project and there are some results. It is based on the funicular Baron on the hill of the same name in Valparaiso. I don't know if it will end like an automaton, a toy or a model but that does not matter.
Algunas veces el más simple boceto sirve de base para trabajar, unas pocas lineas bastan para dar la visión general, incluso con estas lineas imperfectas se logra la idea, (Nunca mis lineas han sido ni serán perfectas).
Sometimes the simplest sketch is the basis for work, a few lines are enough to give the general idea, even when these lines are imperfect the spirit of the project is there. (never my lines have been or will be perfect).
Se puede decir que hoy tuve compañia en el taller.
One can say that today I had company in the workshop.
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