Dos de las primeras piezas para lamparas de aceite ahora bizcochadas.
Two of the first pieces for oil lamps now fired to biscuit.
Two of the first pieces for oil lamps now fired to biscuit.
Estas son las otras piezas, en este caso hechas a partir de una fuente abierta, cerradas con una placa convexa y con tapas portamecha.
These are the other pieces, these one made as an open bowl, closed with a convex slab and with small lids for the wicks.
These are the other pieces, these one made as an open bowl, closed with a convex slab and with small lids for the wicks.
La última pieza fué terminada como una pequeña tetera.
The last piece was finished as a small teapot.
The last piece was finished as a small teapot.
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