Without the intention to make a series I ended taking details of another radio.
Solo tenía una banda AM y un pequeño parlante más entrada de audífonos. El estuche era en esa epoca de cuero natural, cosido.
It only had one AM band, a small speaker and an earpiece output. The case was at that time of natural leather, stitched.
Esta fué un gran avance con respecto a la anterior radio, esta es una radio de transistores y ese detalle era tan importante que en la caja tenía que decir la cantidad de transistores que contenía, seis en este caso.
This was a great improvement over the previous radio, this is a transistor radio and that detail was so important that the box had to say the number of transistors it contained, six in this case.
In those early years Japanese industry was not yet considered a major industry for electronic goods.
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