Fruit season arrived so I started making jam season.
Este año el guindo silvestre dió mucha fruta así que había que aprovecharla. Aunque esta guinda es ácida da una excelente mermelada al contrastar con el dulzor del ázucar.
This year the wild cherry tree gave so much fruit so I had to take it. Although this is sour cherry it gives an excellent jam due the contrast with the sweetness of sugar.
This year the wild cherry tree gave so much fruit so I had to take it. Although this is sour cherry it gives an excellent jam due the contrast with the sweetness of sugar.
Es un tanto tedioso sacar la semilla de una fruta tan pequeña pero una vez que se agarra un ritmo es fácil.
It is a bit tedious to remove the seed of a fruit so small but once you catch a rhythm it is easy.
It is a bit tedious to remove the seed of a fruit so small but once you catch a rhythm it is easy.
Tomé las fotos con el lente nuevo y las lentillas de aproximación que hace tiempo no usaba.
I took the pictures with the lensbaby and the close up lens that I have not used since long time.
I took the pictures with the lensbaby and the close up lens that I have not used since long time.
No es ninguna ciencia hacer mermelada, la fruta lavada y trozada se calienta en una olla hasta que hierve, luego se agrega un kilo de azucar por kilo de fruta y se mantiene hirviendo hasta que toma la consistencia deseada. Los frascos se llenan con la mermelada caliente y se aprietan bien las tapas.
There is no science to make jam, fruit washed and diced, then is heated in a pot until boiling, add one kilo of sugar per kilo of fruit and kept boiling until it takes the desired consistency. The bottles are filled with the hot jam then the caps are tighten.
There is no science to make jam, fruit washed and diced, then is heated in a pot until boiling, add one kilo of sugar per kilo of fruit and kept boiling until it takes the desired consistency. The bottles are filled with the hot jam then the caps are tighten.
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