Time ago I upload a photo of this church at San Jose de Maipo, today the series continue with these photos of the interior. 14mm (28), 1/10 seg. f 3.5.
Esta foto fué tomada a las 10:35 de la mañana, el altar está decorado con flores, los ornamentos dispuestos y dos banderas completan la escena, todo está preparado para la misa. 14mm (28), 1/1.6 seg. f 11.
This photo was taken at 10:35 in the morning, the altar is decorated with flowers, ornaments are in place and two flags complete the scene, everything is ready for mass. 14mm (28), 1/1,6 seg. f 11.
Y este es el motivo por el cual fuí a tomar fotos a esta iglesia, me acordaba de este Arcangel Gabriel derrotando al demonio, y me recuerda cuando yo tuve que derrotar mis propios demonios mucho tiempo atrás. 14mm (28), 6 seg. f 11.
This is the reason why I went to take photos to this church, Archangel Gabriel defeating the demon, and it remembers me when I had to defeat my own demons long time ago. 14mm (28), 6 seg. f 11.
Y en un día de tanto sol no puedo evitar tomar una fotos con el cielo oscuro casi negro en este caso. 14mm (28), 1/125. f 6.3.
And in such a sunny day I can't avoid to take photos with this dark sky as I like. 14mm (28), 1/125. f 6.3
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