Normalmente Cuasimodo se corre el domingo posterior a Semana Santa pero acá en Colina se corren tres domingos seguidos por distintas localidades rurales. El segundo Cuasimodo se corre desde un pequeño caserío llamado San José hasta un pueblo de artesanos en piedra llamado Las Canteras.
Quasimodo normally takes place the Sunday after Easter but here in Colina they run it three Sundays in a row by different rural localities. The second Quasimodo is run from a small village called San Jose to a stone craft village called Las Canteras which means The Quarry.
The riders who leads the run takes a cross, the Chilean flag and the yellow and white flag with the colors of the Vatican.
Este es el carruaje donde se desplaza el sacerdote llevando la comunión a los enfermos y no van al trote, ellos realmente corren.
This is the carriage where the priest rides bringing the communion to the sick. They do not trot, they really run.
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