Justo estaba trabajando en mis Hacker-Bots cuando descubrí este proyecto de #MachineArt que se trata de hacer máquinas que produzcan algún tipo de arte y como la esencia de los Hacker-Bots es precisamente ser hackeables nada mejor que convertir uno en un Vasarely-Bot, dentro de las libertades propias que esto significa claro. al menos este es el primer intento y espero hacer bastantes más.
I was just working on my Hacker-Bots when I discovered this project #MachineArt that is about making machines that produce some kind of art and the essence of the Hacker-Bots is precisely to be hackable, so, nothing better to convert one into a Vasarely-Bot within the boundaries that this could mean. At least this is a first attempt and I hope to do many more.
I was just working on my Hacker-Bots when I discovered this project #MachineArt that is about making machines that produce some kind of art and the essence of the Hacker-Bots is precisely to be hackable, so, nothing better to convert one into a Vasarely-Bot within the boundaries that this could mean. At least this is a first attempt and I hope to do many more.
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